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2025, “Injection Site: Making the Vaccine Visible” FORMAT25, International Photography Festival, Derby, UK

2025, “Injection Site: Making the Vaccine Visible” FORMAT25, International Photography Festival, Derby, UK

March 14, 2025, FORMAT International Photography Festival is delighted to announce the festival theme CONFLICTED for the FORMAT25 Biennale.

FORMAT International Photography Festival was established in 2004 and is the UK’s leading international contemporary festival of photography and related media. FORMAT organises a year-round programme of international commissions, open calls, residencies, conferences and collaborations in the UK and Internationally.

FORMAT is organised by and is a partnership between QUAD and the University of Derby. The festival is supported by Arts Council England, Derby City Council and UK and international partners. The FORMAT25 Open Call is supported by our generous partners including Picter, Spectrum Photographic, Genesis Imaging, Lishui International Photography Festival and the British Journal of Photography.


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