Artworks within these series are available for purchase. Please contact the artist directly.

Each photograph from the series Self Without Interpretation (paper size 31” x 44”) is printed on Canson Platine Fibre Rag paper using archival pigment ink . Each work is in a limited edition of 5 (+ 2 artist proofs).

Each constructed artwork from the project Envisioning the Veil, (paper size 32” x 32”) consists of an archival pigment print along with EEG data printed directly on cotton medical gauze which is hand applied by the artist using surgical suture thread. Each work is in a limited edition of 3 + 1 AP (variants).

JUST BREATHE (2013–2019)
These images are captured with a digital camera. Each image is printed at 20″ square as an archival pigment print. Each photograph is signed by the artist en verso and printed in a limited edition of 10. Site specific custom installations are available.

DESERT PROJECT (2014-2016)
These images are captured with a digital camera. Each image is printed as an archival pigment print. Each photograph is signed by the artist en verso.
Each work is in a limited edition of 5 (+ 2 artist proofs).

ONCE OCEAN (2015–2017)
These images are captured with a digital camera. Each image is printed as an archival pigment print. Each photograph is signed by the artist en verso.
Limited edition of 5 (+2 artist proofs).
In addition to photographs on paper, many of these images are fabricated as series of computerized jacquard loom woven cotton tapestries
Each work is in a limited edition of 3 (+1 artist proof)

These images are captured with a digital camera. Each image is printed as an archival pigment print. Each photograph is printed at 24″ x 24″ and signed by the artist en verso.
Each work is in a limited edition of 5 (+ 2 artist proofs).

WHILE I AM STILL (2009-2014)
These images are captured with a digital camera. Each image is printed as an archival pigment print. Each photograph is signed by the artist en verso.
Each work is in a limited edition of 5 (+ 2 artist proofs).

These images are captured with a digital camera. Each image is printed as an archival pigment print. Each photograph is signed by the artist en verso.
Each work is in a limited edition of 5 (+ 2 artist proofs).