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Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2023 – )

"Guillemot" Coburg Island, High Arctic Canada, 75,49.01352N, 79,22.25909W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2024)

"Migration 0f the Crows" Portland, Oregon, USA, Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2024)

"Hot Flowers" Redrock Conservation Area, Nevada, USA, 34,4.51244N, 119,1.28665W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2023)

"Mojave Moon" Mojave Desert, Nevada, USA, 36,6.97412N, 115,21.06857W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2024)

"Guillemot" Coburg Island, High Arctic Canada, 75,49.22934N, 79,21.92288W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2024)

"Lin's Valley" Mojave Desert, Nevada, USA, 40,10.29822N, 119,44.94764W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2023)

"Clouds over Myna Roost" O'ahu, Hawaii, USA, 21,20.35284N, 158,7.58673W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2025)

"Myna Roost" O'ahu, Hawaii, USA, 21,20.36079N, 158,7.58107W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2025)

"Myna Roost" O'ahu, Hawaii, USA, 21,20.36079N, 158,7.58107W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2025)

"Myna Roost" O'ahu, Hawaii, USA, 21,20.36079N, 158,7.58107W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2025)

"Migration 0f the Crows" Portland, Oregon, USA, Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2024)

"Makua-Ka'ena State Park" O'ahu, Hawaii, USA, 21,33.53794N, 158,15.30755W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2025)

"Kittyhawks" Whittier, Alaska, USA, 60,47.893N, 148,40.376W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2023)

"Arctic Tundra" Starness Fiord, High Arctic Canada, 76,35.28795N, 82,10.30803W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2024)

"Changing Tide" Oregon Coast, Oregon, USA, 45,55.88631N, 123,58.79124W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2023)

"Melting Ice in Whittier Lake" Whittier, Alaska, USA, 60,40.639N, 148,38.961W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2023)

"Iceberg at Muskox Fiord" High Arctic Canada, 76,35.8125N, 87,31.97929W from the series Heat: Conversations With The Sun (2024)

The laws of thermodynamics govern everything from the behavior of atoms to that of living cells, from the engines that power our world to the black hole at the center of our galaxy. Thermodynamics explains why we must eat and breathe, how the lights come on, and how the universe will end.

Paul Sen

In the project Conversations with the Sun, I investigate unseen connections between the land and living beings. Using a high-resolution thermal camera, I seek out unique representations of our rapidly changing thermal world. I am compelled to see differently.

All life shares in cycles regulated by heat. We are part of this evolution of renewal—and often—distress. By seeing only heat, the connectivity of all living beings has become clearer to me. During an era of climate disaster, I search for elemental truths that lie beyond the boundaries of visibility—those that bind human beings to one another and to the land. Through this work I consider the changing relationships between bodies, landscapes, and the atmosphere, illuminating the tension between renewal and collapse.

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